Flutter making a new project from vscode.
It’s very easy. If you already have vscode and flutter. Just a command from view -> command Palette. Starting type flutter and see a command flatter ne...
It’s very easy. If you already have vscode and flutter. Just a command from view -> command Palette. Starting type flutter and see a command flatter ne...
Seems I nowhave to do something. But actually I’m not sure what to do. Yes, this post is for myself. Well At first I think it would be a good idea to add ...
Wow, it’s just a miracle. My app is approved by the first effort. It’s maybe not as excellent as I wish, but I’m going to continue improving i...
[crayon-67520b952e9d5754472820/] mostly taken from internet may by stackoverflow again.
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42075095/hide-status-bar-in-all-view-controllers-ios If you want to hide status-bar in all app, set new point in plist-info ...
I want to increase date to 12 months for example: [crayon-67520b952fef7848717029/] the idea from http://swiftdeveloperblog.com/code-examples/add-days-mon...
It was interesting. The main results are: [crayon-67520b9530159412788543/] or [crayon-67520b953015d936480704/] from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38248941...
The best way was: Here is my solution: – on the Storyboard, add 2 PickerView to your View – set the 1st picker´s tag as #1 & #2 for the 2nd pick...
The first problem with google SDK was the xcode did not see the module. The working answer was: try doing the following steps: Put the path of GoogleMobileAds.f...
Actualy I removed this code from app, because for each languadge it would be better to use special. But may be I’ll need it once. [crayon-67520b95305...